Flower delivery Wil

Discover our selection of bouquets available for Wil

Your selection


Florist's bouquet

Available for delivery by a florist Tomorrow

Florist's bouquet

Our local florists are passionate about their skills. To sublimate all your attentions, whatever the occasion, they realize in the rules of the art a unique bouquet of which you can be proud. By giving free rein to their talent, they will make a bouquet combining freshness, aesthetics and inspirations of the moment that will surprise and please the recipient.

Available for delivery by a florist Tomorrow
from CHF 44.–
Excl. delivery charges


24 red roses

Available for delivery by Post Tomorrow

24 red roses

A gorgeous bouquet of 24 red roses delivered in an elegant package. For a declaration full of sincerity and love that will make an impression.

Available for delivery by Post Tomorrow
La Poste
La Poste
from CHF 110.–
Excl. delivery charges



Available for delivery by Post Tomorrow


Let yourself be seduced by our "Majestic" flower bouquet in orange and pink tones, composed of dahlias, roses, chrysanthemums, calla lilies, and other refined flowers. With a diameter of 35 cm and a height of nearly 50 cm, this exquisite bouquet is the ideal gift for all special occasions: birthdays, celebrations, or simply to express your affection and gratitude towards a love... More

Available for delivery by Post Tomorrow
La Poste
La Poste
from CHF 90.–
Excl. delivery charges


Bouquet of the day

Available for delivery by Post Tomorrow

Bouquet of the day

Made with the daily arrival of fresh flowers and foliage, our bouquet of the day is prepared with the greatest care by our florists, giving free rein to their inspiration, creativity and talent. You offer a unique seasonal creation that will sublimate the feeling you wish to express with this attention that makes all the difference.

Available for delivery by Post Tomorrow
La Poste
La Poste
from CHF 52.–
Excl. delivery charges


My favourite

Available for delivery by a florist Tomorrow

My favourite

Evoking a soft harmony of colors, "My favourite" is a symphonic floral arrangement, a delicate harmony of stemmed flowers. The shimmering shades of fuchsia pink, soft pink, deep violet, and soothing green intertwine gracefully in a beautiful basket or other container (depending on the florist's availability). A true living masterpiece, 'Ma Préférée' awakens the senses and il... More

Available for delivery by a florist Tomorrow
from CHF 52.–
Excl. delivery charges



Available for delivery by a florist Tomorrow


This brightly hued bouquet is a sunny message that you send to express your warmest regards. This country-style bouquet is made up of a mix of red, orange and yellow flowers. Its varied textures and shapes will be the perfect messenger to deliver your thoughts to a loved one, a colleague or a client.

Available for delivery by a florist Tomorrow
from CHF 53.–
Excl. delivery charges



Available for delivery by a florist Tomorrow


This red and pink country bouquet is an excellent choice to express your thanks. Its chic and modern look will enhance your most heartfelt words and is sure to touch your recipient.

Available for delivery by a florist Tomorrow
from CHF 57.–
Excl. delivery charges



Available for delivery by Post Tomorrow


Blend of freshly picked multicoloured tulips.
Seasonal bouquet composed of about 30 flowers of a height between 35 and 40 cm.

Ladybug made with top quality materials (size 15 cm).

Available for delivery by Post Tomorrow
La Poste
La Poste
from CHF 68.–
Excl. delivery charges


Sweet peonies

Available for delivery by Post Tomorrow

Sweet peonies

Fall for this delicate bouquet of the season's star flowers and send a note of sweetness with its magnificent peonies selected with the greatest care that will make a great effect. Composed of a duo of peony varieties subtly accompanied by lisianthus, gypsophila and beautiful pistachio and eucalyptus populus ... More

Available for delivery by Post Tomorrow
La Poste
La Poste
from CHF 91.–
Excl. delivery charges



Available for delivery by Post Tomorrow


Let yourself be seduced by our "Majestic" flower bouquet in orange and pink tones, composed of dahlias, roses, chrysanthemums, calla lilies, and other refined flowers. With a diameter of 35 cm and a height of nearly 50 cm, this exquisite bouquet is the ideal gift for all special occasions: birthdays, celebrations, or simply to express your affection and gratitude towards a love... More

Available for delivery by Post Tomorrow
La Poste
La Poste
from CHF 98.–
Excl. delivery charges



Available for delivery by a florist Tomorrow


Our sumptuous creation inspired by those who love each other and sow happiness passionately is the perfect attention to surprise and cherish your significant other. Imagined in a fuzzy shape that is both chic and modern, this bouquet with flaming pink and red tones accompanied by beautiful foliage is designed around the rose, the flower of love and beautiful stories par excelle... More

Available for delivery by a florist Tomorrow
from CHF 78.–
Excl. delivery charges


Adorable peonies

Available for delivery by Post Tomorrow

Adorable peonies

A bunch of about 16 peonies in various shades of pink (powdered, fuchsia, etc.). A sweet and tender bouquet of flowers for an unforgettable gift.

The peonies will be shipped closed in order to ensure maximum longevity for your recipient.

Available for delivery by Post Tomorrow
La Poste
La Poste
from CHF 68.–
Excl. delivery charges


Unendliche Sanftheit

Available for delivery by a florist Tomorrow

Unendliche Sanftheit

Tauchen Sie ein in die raffinierte Eleganz unseres Bouquets Unendliche Sanftheit, wo die subtilen Farbtöne von Rosa und Violett mit dem zeitlosen Glanz der Rosen verschmelzen. Lassen Sie sich von dieser floralen Symphonie verzaubern und schaffen Sie unvergessliche Erinnerungen mit denen, die Sie lieben. Verleihen Sie Ihrem Leben heute eine Note unendlicher Sanftheit.

Available for delivery by a florist Tomorrow
from CHF 65.–
Excl. delivery charges


12 year old bonsai

Available for delivery by Post Tomorrow

12 year old bonsai

Spoil someone with this exceptional Ficus Bonsai. This miniature tree is a natural work of art and will recreate a veritable zen Japanese garden in your home. It needs plenty of light and should be watered regularly. It will thrive best if kept outside during the summer months, but away from direct sunlight. ... More

Available for delivery by Post Tomorrow
La Poste
La Poste
from CHF 87.–
Excl. delivery charges


Welcome Baby

Available for delivery by Post Tomorrow

Welcome Baby

Here is an adorable gift set specially designed for celebrating the arrival of a newborn. It includes a bottle of Prosecco to toast to this happy occasion, a stuffed animal to accompany the baby in their first moments, and a delicious jar of Swiss flower honey to add a sweet touch to this joyful stage of life. A perfect gift to congratulate the parents and welcome the baby.

Available for delivery by Post Tomorrow
La Poste
La Poste
from CHF 45.–
Excl. delivery charges

Your florists in Wil

Wil is a very old town in the north-eastern part of the canton of St. Gallen, and traces of its history can be seen everywhere in its streets. The town is known for its university, which is one of the most prestigious in Switzerland, and for its historic town centre.

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