Flower delivery and information


Florist's bouquet

Available for delivery by a florist Tomorrow

Florist's bouquet

Our local florists are passionate about their skills. To sublimate all your attentions, whatever the occasion, they realize in the rules of the art a unique bouquet of which you can be proud. By giving free rein to their talent, they will make a bouquet combining freshness, aesthetics and inspirations of the moment that will surprise and please the recipient.

Available for delivery by a florist Tomorrow
from CHF 47.–
Excl. delivery charges


Florist's arrangement

Available for delivery by a florist Tomorrow

Florist's arrangement

To delight and surprise the recipient, our local florists let their creativity and great know-how speak for themselves. Offer a floral arrangement, combining quality, freshness and beauty, in a container specially designed to accommodate a unique creation that will be remembered

Available for delivery by a florist Tomorrow
from CHF 47.–
Excl. delivery charges


Happy event

Available for delivery by a florist Day after tomorrow

Happy event

Send your best wishes to the family that has just welcomed a new member with this tender and affectionate bouquet. Made in pastel tones, this modern style bouquet will allow you to express your warm thoughts and mark this happy news with a pretty note of sweetness. Composed around the rose as the main flower,... More

Available for delivery by a florist Day after tomorrow
from CHF 86.–
Excl. delivery charges



Available for delivery by a florist Tomorrow


Wonderful and tender flower arrangement in shades of white and green accompanied by various branches, cotton flowers, and pine cones.

Available for delivery by a florist Tomorrow
from CHF 58.–
Excl. delivery charges



Available for delivery by Post Day after tomorrow


Offer a burst of happiness with our sumptuous "Celebration" bouquet. This magnificent arrangement of fresh flowers highlights the beauty of pink gerberas, yellow roses, and orange lilies, subtly accompanied by other seasonal flowers for a harmonious and vibrant composition. Perfect for any occasion, this radiant bouquet will delight every heart and bring a touch of joy and eleg... More

Available for delivery by Post Day after tomorrow
La Poste
La Poste
from CHF 49.–
Excl. delivery charges


Thank you

Available for delivery by a florist Tomorrow

Thank you

Celebrate love with our 'Thank You' bouquet. Passionate red roses and touches of pure white express sincere gratitude and eternal love. Gift a floral 'thank you' and let the flowers speak.

Available for delivery by a florist Tomorrow
from CHF 68.–
Excl. delivery charges


I adore you

Available for delivery by a florist Tomorrow

I adore you

Round bouquet in shades of pink, fuchsia, and soft pink, perfect for every occasion. Composed of a meticulous selection of seasonal flowers and greenery, this elegant and luminous bouquet will captivate the eyes.

Available for delivery by a florist Tomorrow
from CHF 67.–
Excl. delivery charges



Available for delivery by a florist Tomorrow


Rustic medium-stemmed bouquet of orange dahlias, light pink roses and fuchsia astilbe (or similary flowers, available at the florist's) with various small purple and green flowers and a little greenery such as eucalyptus.

Available for delivery by a florist Tomorrow
from CHF 70.–
Excl. delivery charges


Good mood

Available for delivery by a florist Tomorrow

Good mood

Floral arrangement in fall colors in shades of orange, coral and cream in a basket, all decorated with greenery, berries and various branches.

Available for delivery by a florist Tomorrow
from CHF 65.–
Excl. delivery charges


Infinite Sweetness

Available for delivery by a florist Day after tomorrow

Infinite Sweetness

Immerse yourself in the refined elegance of our Infinite Sweetness bouquet, where the subtle shades of pink and violet blend with the timeless radiance of roses. Let yourself be enchanted by this floral symphony and create unforgettable memories with those you love. Offer a touch of infinite sweetness to your... More

Available for delivery by a florist Day after tomorrow
from CHF 94.–
Excl. delivery charges



Available for delivery by Post Day after tomorrow


Our florists have composed a stunning bouquet of these two varieties of amaryllis - pure white "Mont Blanc" and bi-coloured white and red "Showmaster". These generous flowers are originally from South America and each stem will bear several flowers.
Boot of 7 stems of about 40-45 cm.
NB: these amaryllis will be delivered closed so they can be enjoyed for as long as po... More

Available for delivery by Post Day after tomorrow
La Poste
La Poste
from CHF 54.–
Excl. delivery charges


White lily

Available for delivery by Post Day after tomorrow

White lily

This majestic arrangement of 7 stems of lilies (14 flowers), a height of 55 cm, will enchant any interior with its royal whiteness and its sweet perfume.

NB. In order to guarantee the quality as well as the longevity, we would like to inform you that the lilies will be shipped closed.

Available for delivery by Post Day after tomorrow
La Poste
La Poste
from CHF 49.–
Excl. delivery charges

A brief look at the floristry profession (Florist’s shop)

Florists care for and sell plants and cut flowers and make floral arrangements. They advise customers, arrange bouquets, create piquant arrangements, create table decorations, make funeral wreaths and wedding bouquets. They also work outside the shop to order, for example looking after interior plants in hospitals, schools and companies, and decorating churches, dining rooms or tables for banquets, weddings and funerals.

Florists, whether male or female, handle, care for and sell cut flowers, plants, dried flowers and accessories. They also create and make arrangements of flowers and plants, which may be natural, dried or artificial, and may be for such things as the entire floral arrangements for a wedding, Christmas arrangements, floral tributes and wreaths for bereavements, table decorations etc. Sometimes they are required to be out and about to decorate an apartment, a window display, a festival hall or a church.

Their main tasks consist of:

ASupply and display in the florist’s shop

  • ordering and selecting the flowers required for the florist’s shop from the wholesaler
  • regularly attending the flower market, a type of floral supermarket, so as to recognize any innovations and market trends
  • ensuring the quality and quantity of goods according to the delivery note and separating the different produce to store them and keep them in top condition
  • making the best use of the display window of the florist’s shop and creating a harmonious display of plants, vases and bouquets
Care of plants and flowers
  • preparing, cutting, stripping the leaves or greenery from flowers to be used in a bouquet
  • taking care of and watering plants and shrubs in pots
  • preventing and treating against parasites and illness
  • every type of floral arrangement and decoration
Customer service and personal skills
  • creating arrangements from a small floral composition to a prestigious bouquet, taking into account the client’s wishes and the latest trends
  • judiciously choosing flowers, plants and accessories (moss, ribbons, candles, shells, stones, wood, dried flowers, paper, card…)
  • sales and customer service
  • greeting customers and finding out what they would like; as necessary, informing the customer of the origin of flowers and plants, their length of life, flowering season and their care
  • carefully wrapping goods and taking correct payment
  • dealing with telephone orders as well as the delivery of floral greetings
  • arranging transport and flower delivery abroad by means of an international service
  • administrative tasks
  • taking the inventory and managing stocks
  • calculating prices and noting them on price tags as necessary

Florists, more often than not, work in places that are cool and humid, in garden centres and in supermarkets. They often have to work overtime and irregular hours, especially during the holiday season and on special occasions (Christmas, Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day etc.).

Useful links on training to become a florist

Florist's shop

Florists online, lesfleurs.ch delivers flowers to your door in more than 150 countries.