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Season bouquets

Flower delivery to Ukraine

Bouquet Florist's bouquet

Florist's bouquet

Available for delivery by a florist Today

Florist's bouquet

Our local florists are passionate about their skills. To sublimate all your attentions, whatever the occasion, they realize in the rules of the art a unique bouquet of which you can be proud. By giving free rein to their talent, they will make a bouquet combining freshness, aesthetics and inspirations of the moment that will surprise and please the recipient.

Available for delivery by a florist Today
from 88.00 USD
Excl. delivery charges

Bouquet Florist's arrangement

Florist's arrangement

Available for delivery by a florist Today

Florist's arrangement

To delight and surprise the recipient, our local florists let their creativity and great know-how speak for themselves. Offer a floral arrangement, combining quality, freshness and beauty, in a container specially designed to accommodate a unique creation that will be remembered

Available for delivery by a florist Today
from 139.00 USD
Excl. delivery charges

Bouquet Friendship


Available for delivery by a florist Today


Round bouquet of white flowers (roses, lisianthus, etc.) enhanced with beautiful greenery.

Available for delivery by a florist Today
from 88.00 USD
Excl. delivery charges

Bouquet From my heart

From my heart

Available for delivery by a florist Today

From my heart

Say thank you with a luminous country bouquet in shades of salmon and yellow, which will convey your message of thanks to a loved one, colleague or client. A perfect combination of elegant, noble flowers and stylish, airy greenery, this bouquet is a feast for the eyes and is sure to surprise the recipient with a simple yet deeply meaningful gift.

Available for delivery by a florist Today
from 97.00 USD
Excl. delivery charges

Bouquet Wonderful


Available for delivery by a florist Today


A round bouquet of short-stem pink and white flowers accented with a hint of blue or purple (depending on availability at florist's) and assorted greenery (eucalyptus and wheat if available).

Available for delivery by a florist Today
from 105.00 USD
Excl. delivery charges

Bouquet Thank you

Thank you

Available for delivery by a florist Today

Thank you

Celebrate love with our 'Thank You' bouquet. Passionate red roses and touches of pure white express sincere gratitude and eternal love. Gift a floral 'thank you' and let the flowers speak.

Available for delivery by a florist Today
from 118.00 USD
Excl. delivery charges

Bouquet Unique


Available for delivery by a florist Today


Arrangement composed of pinned flowers in the shades of yellow, violet, coral (depending on availability at the florist's) with other colourful seasonal flowers, delivered in a round container.

Available for delivery by a florist Today
from 146.00 USD
Excl. delivery charges


Add a regular floral touch to your life with our flower subscriptions.
Bouquet 6x Bouquets of flowers

6x Bouquets of flowers

Available for delivery by a florist Today

6x Bouquets of flowers

This package includes 6 bouquets of flowers. The first bouquet will be delivered on the date that you have selected, and the following bouquets will be delivered at the frequency that you have selected.

Let our florists surprise you and place your trust in their know-how. For each delivery, one of o... More

Available for delivery by a florist Today
from 381.00 USD
Excl. delivery charges

Bouquet 3x Bouquets of flowers

3x Bouquets of flowers

Available for delivery by a florist Today

3x Bouquets of flowers

This package includes 3 bouquets of flowers. The first bouquet will be delivered on the date that you have selected, and the following bouquets will be delivered at the frequency that you have selected.

Let our florists surprise you and place your trust in their know-how. For each delivery, one of o... More

Available for delivery by a florist Today
from 192.00 USD
Excl. delivery charges

Bouquet 12x Bouquets of flowers

12x Bouquets of flowers

Available for delivery by a florist Today

12x Bouquets of flowers

This package includes 12 bouquets of flowers. The first bouquet will be delivered on the date that you have selected, and the following bouquets will be delivered at the frequency that you have selected.

Let our florists surprise you and place your trust in their know-how. For each delivery, one of ... More

Available for delivery by a florist Today
from 762.00 USD
Excl. delivery charges

Bouquets of roses

Perfectly express love and elegance through our exquisite roses.
Bouquet Intensely red

Intensely red

Available for delivery by a florist Today

Intensely red

Discover our bouquet of red roses (short stems), the ultimate symbol of love and passion. Each delicate petal bears witness to the intensity of the emotions it represents. The vibrant red color of the roses creates a bold and captivating statement.

Offer this bouquet and let the red roses speak the ... More

Available for delivery by a florist Today
from 275.00 USD
Excl. delivery charges


Green up your living space with our variety of indoor and outdoor plants.
Bouquet Arrangement of outdoor plants

Arrangement of outdoor plants "Lila"

Available for delivery by a florist Today

Arrangement of outdoor plants "Lila"

Arrangement of flowering plants in soil in shades of green and purple tones (subject to availability at the florist's). This arrangement specially created for outdoor use will be delivered in a pretty container by one of our florists.

Available for delivery by a florist Today
from 63.00 USD
Excl. delivery charges

Bouquet Florist's green plant

Florist's green plant

Available for delivery by a florist Today

Florist's green plant

Our florist is committed to selecting for you a beautiful green plant, bright and fresh, to bring a touch of light and nature indoors!

Available for delivery by a florist Today
from 63.00 USD
Excl. delivery charges

Order a bouquet of flowers, roses or floral arrangements from our online shop, and let our local florists take care of the delivery at the destination of your choice. A guarantee of freshness for your bouquet of flowers! Flower delivery to Ukraine